Keep Getting Rodents In Your Home? 4 Tips To Control Them

Getting rodents in your home can be frustrating especially if it is a continual problem for you. The first thing to do is get them out and then you need to learn how to control them. Below are four tips on how you can do this. 

Get Them Out

Getting the rodents out can be difficult if your house is infested with them. If your house is not infested, you can set traps to catch and kill them. There are snap traps and electric traps available. There are also catch-and-release traps if you do not want to kill the rodents. If you have an infestation, you need to contact a pest control company to help you. They can put poison in strategic places that the rodents will eat and then die. This may be in your crawlspace, behind appliances, and more. 

Remove Food

The main thing a rodent looks for when entering a home is food. They will eat just about anything they find. If you have cat or dog food bags sitting on the floor, they will chew through them and then eat the food. Rodents can also get inside cabinets where you store food. They will chew through any type of cardboard box to gain access to the food. Not only will this make you lose food but is also unsanitary as their urine and feces will get all over everything. Store loose food in tightly sealed plastic containers and put pet food bags in containers with a tight lid on them.

Remove Water

Another thing a rodent must have to survive is water. If you have a leaky faucet hire a plumber to repair this. Inspect your plumbing pipes because even a small leak can provide the water they need. Do not leave water in your sink after doing dishes. Pick up water bowls for your pets at the end of each night so the rodents do not drink this water. Rodents can gain access inside walls so if there are any water pipes there that are leaking or have condensation rodents will get water this way. 

Close Entry Areas

You need to determine how the rodents are getting into your home. They can do this in a variety of ways. Inspect the outside of your home for any holes or cracks the rodents can crawl through. Inspect the inside of your home for any holes or cracks. If any of this is found, close these things up with caulking, plaster, etc. You may even see holes in walls where rodents have chewed through to gain access to your home. Look in all areas including behind appliances. 

For more info about rodent removal, contact a local company. 
